McGeorge has long been a leader in international legal education. Our summer program in Salzburg is one of the United States’ longest-standing law school study-abroad programs, and McGeorge was among the first institutions to integrate international and comparative law issues across our curriculum. Through the Global Center, McGeorge is continuing to build on this tradition. Our international concentration offers a diverse array of international courses that give students broad and deep exposure to global issues. We host symposia about cutting-edge questions, such as how international law should be reimagined for the age of the Anthropocene. Our faculty remain deeply engaged with both the theory and practice of international law. We also connect our students with exciting professional opportunities across the globe. To read more about what we’re doing, click here.

Our accomplished graduates include:

  • Alyssa Cervantes, '13, is the Global Managing Director of Privacy at Dell Technologies in Dublin, Ireland.
  • Bo de Lange, '19, is a litigator now based in the Netherlands whose practice has spanned international investment arbitration and cross-border contractual disputes.
  • Nicole Rangel, '10, is an international criminal lawyer and human rights advocate who has worked as trial counsel at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and is currently a legal officer with the United Nations International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT).
  • Nathan O’Malley, '00, leads Musick Peeler’s international arbitration and litigation practice in Los Angeles.
2021 McGeorge Global Center Online Symposium
Rethinking International Law for the Age of the Anthropocene

As illustrated by the fires in the Amazon and the inability of the international community to intervene when events such as this within one nation threaten the habitability of the planet, this symposium will examine whether international law is adequate or can be made adequate to the challenges presented in trying to reduce the climate crisis, potential mass extinctions, and other threats to the planetary ecosystem, as well as to dealing with the results of such environmental degradation, including the decrease of habitable lands and the mass migration of the deposed.

Amazon rainforest on fire
2022 McGeorge Global Center Online Symposium
Israel, Palestine, and the First Amendment: Defining the Boundaries of Freedom of Speech

Is there an emerging Israel-Palestine exception to the First Amendment? The Constitution’s protection of expressive freedom serves in part to ensure that democratic decision-making is based on informed, rigorous, and inclusive debate – a function as crucial to the development of foreign policy as to domestic affairs. In this symposium, we will examine several contexts in which the boundaries of freedom of speech are being tested by the regulation of expression implicating the State of Israel and advocacy for Palestinian rights. We will discuss the constitutionality — and propriety — of federal and state legislation prohibiting boycotts of Israel, of efforts by universities to manage the sometimes clamorous debate about Israel-Palestine on their campuses, and of policies and processes adopted by digital platforms to moderate content pertaining to one of the most hotly contested places on the planet.

Global Communication Network photo